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Chamas Churrascaria & Bar
Chamas Churrascaria & Bar

For those of you who don't know what a Brazilian Churrascari...

Belgian Beer Cafe
Belgian Beer Cafe

A great evening out or simply winding down after a hard day’...

Belgian Café Intercontinental Abu Dhabi
Belgian Café Intercontinental Abu Dhabi

Steaming mussel pots, chunky frites and creamy mayonnaise, s...

Bel Mondo
Bel Mondo

Operating just on the edge of the noisy Salaam Street, this...


The eccentric moniker for this watering hole is a play on th...

Beach House Cabana
Beach House Cabana

Beach House Cabana proclaims its beachy credentials so loudl...

C Club
C Club

The smoking ban that has crept into bars and pubs in the Wes...

Travaller Video Reviews

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