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Spice Emporium - Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort and Marina
Spice Emporium - Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi Beach Resort and Marina

Share a unique experience with family and friends at Spice E...

China Grill
China Grill

Trendsetters in eclectic Asian-inspired world cuisine, the i...

Hunters Room and Grill
Hunters Room and Grill

Located at The Westin Mina Seyahi - It's Time to Try one of...

Blue Orange - Westin Mina Seyahi
Blue Orange - Westin Mina Seyahi

If variety is your thing, then look no further than Blue Ora...

Oeno Wine Bar
Oeno Wine Bar

With imported wines exclusive to Westin and a trendy, profes...

Westin Heavenly Spa
Westin Heavenly Spa

The Westin hotel has upped Dubai’s luxury stakes no end, and...

El Sur
El Sur

Better known as a Spanish restaurant, El Sur also boasts a d...

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