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Grub Shack
Grub Shack

A great place! Wasn't a big huge restaurant, was a simple sm...


Dining at Kamat is filled with vibrancy and attentive servic...

Karachi Darbar Restaurant
Karachi Darbar Restaurant

Karachi Darbar is a Pakistani restaurant with branches all o...


Located on Al Khan Street, near Qasba, Katis is a great low...

Masala Craft
Masala Craft

Masala Craft is an Indian restaurant specializing in 'Live T...

Mezbaan Hyderabad Restaurant
Mezbaan Hyderabad Restaurant

An exclusive Indian dining & take away experience awaits you...

Beijing Tong Ren Tang
Beijing Tong Ren Tang

Traditional Chinese medicine since 1669, Beijing Tong Ren Ta...

Panoor Restaurant
Panoor Restaurant

Panoor Restaurant is established in the year 1983. It is one...

New Times Restaurant
New Times Restaurant

New Times is a huge, sprawling venue that’s inordinately pop...

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