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Al Bahar
Al Bahar

Soak up the golden sunshine as you enjoy a barbecued lunch o...

BN Cafe
BN Cafe

Relax in the informal, welcoming atmosphere of the BN Café a...

Dhow Beach Bar
Dhow Beach Bar

Soak up the sun's golden rays while you sip a specialty coff...

Dome Lounge
Dome Lounge

Meet business colleagues for a sociable drink or enjoy views...


Begin your day with a delicious Hilton breakfast at Maarid i...

Passage to Asia
Passage to Asia

Tropical flowers, exotic herbs and an array of spices await...

Piaceri Da Gustare
Piaceri Da Gustare

Treat yourself to à la carte Italian classics and choose an...

Pura Vida Restaurant
Pura Vida Restaurant

Enjoy a Brazilian feast with 'The Gauchos' who will welcome...


Indulge in an after-dinner vintage port or cognac in this cl...

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